Finding peace within ourselves is what will lead to peace in the world. Let me explain...
We live in a society that teaches us in subtle and no-so-subtle ways that we are not good enough. 'Pursue this level of status', 'Buy this product', 'Be this type of person', the world says, and you will be a worthwhile. You will be happy.
We only need to take one look at the state of the world and we can see that this old thinking is not working. Corporate greed, war and climate change are all rooted in the idea that we need more to be happy. These large crises and the smaller crises each of us face are all rooted inthe same thing - the false promise that we can find happiness outside ourselves.
Ancient wisdom teaches that happiness is within. Think about it: what would it be like to love yourself unconditionally? To need nothing and no-one to be fulfilled? To feel peaceful and at ease? And what would happen if everyone in the world felt this way?
This is the mission of The Youth Happiness Project - to help youth find peace within themselves, so that peace can flourish throughout the world. This isn't some hippy-dippy notion, it is the next phase in human evolution.
So the next question is, how do we do this? By turning our attention within. What is it exactly that makes us feel like we are not good enough? What are the root sources of stress and anxiety? Where does our urge for 'more' come from? What is our authentic purpose in life? How can we change our habitual ways of thinking? Discovering these and other answers within ourselves are steps towards freedom.
The offerings of the Youth Happiness Project are rooted in ancient meditation, mindfulness and yoga teachings and uses modern life coaching to help youth find fulfilment within themselves. We offer services to support youth well being, post wellness tips on Instagram and Facebook, and have a Blog that offers different perspectives on youth wellness (which you may wish to contribute to!). We also post links to as many resources as we can to be part of the broader solution.
The age of anxiety, pessimism and individual interests is drawing to an end. Let's start a revolution in youth wellness. For the sake of future generations, and of the planet.